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Logo  2020 Nauvoo/British Pageant - February

Welcome to serving in the Nauvoo and British Pageants! Your pageant experience begins now! This is a glorious opportunity to serve a mission as a family (or individual)! As you take advantage of this home- centered, church-supported program, individuals and families will have an opportunity to experience enhanced unity and growth as you are set apart as “special representatives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the duration of the pageant.” We anticipate bounteous blessings as a result of your preparation and service this summer.

A new monthly message will be posted here from January to June before you arrive in Nauvoo

See:  January   February   March   April   May   June

Coming Soon!

  • Additional information and applications for participation in the Nauvoo Pageant can be found at: nauvoopageant.org